
E3 Hype: E3 Hopes and Expectations - Cody's Opinions

      Well, it's that time of year again. That time when every known gaming forum lights up with speculation about unofficial rumors revolving around every big gaming company imaginable. I'm talking about E3, of course! Yes, those few days of June where everyone from the hardcore basement nerd to the casual iPhone gamer gets together to try and decipher the "leaks" from every well known software company out there. As you could guess, everyone here at TPC is incredibly excited for the event! Hell, we have more festivities planned for the week than I honestly can remember! Seriously though...what day is the Sony conference again?

    Anyways, since everyone's doing it, and I haven't jumped on a bandwagon since that whole Kony ordeal(Did we find him yet?), I'm here to give you a list of my most hyped things for E3. Now, I need to lay down a few ground rules for myself. For one, the only current generation consoles I own are a WiiU and 3DS. I also own a PS3, but that's neither here nor there. I don't particularly have a favorite console nor do I affiliate my likings with any particular software company. If a game is good, looks good in regards to the gameplay and is reasonably obtainable(Pricing, console, etc.), then I'm all for it. Now, that's enough for my ramblings. Let's get on board the E3 Hype Train! CHOO CHOO!

#5 - VR Headsets: Oculus Rift / Project Morpheus

     When I was little, the one thing that I always wanted from video games was the ability to actually be in the game. While we are far from digitizing ourselves into GTA5, Virtual Reality Headsets like the Oculus Rift and Project Morpheus might just be a pretty close alternative. With the system having an HD display right at your eyes and motion controls to aide, many have claimed that it feels like you're right inside the game. It makes me incredibly excited to think that one of my all time childhood dreams is starting to grow into a reality.

#4 - Pokken Fighters

     While this game might just end up being no more than a mere rumor, I'm still crossing my fingers in hopes of it. The idea is to take Pokemon and throw it together with Tekken styled fighting. Sounds pretty fucking great, right? I feel like if Nintendo actually goes through with the game, it would signify a huge shift in Nintendo's way of thinking. It would finally be that merger between childish style and violent tendencies that I've been wanting from them!

#3 - Civilization: Beyond Earth

     I'm a huge fan of the Civ series of games. I've clocked close to 90 hours in Civilization V alone. With that said, Beyond Earth has got me even more excited! I feel like with the game going to space, it allows for so much more creativity that will greatly change the way the game plays. I honestly cannot wait until I'm forcing my newly founded colonies of humans to take over far off planets!

#2 - The Last Guardian

     Holy shit has it been forever since Sony announced this game. For those who don't know, this game was announced at E3 2009, but had been in development since 2007. If the rumors are true, and the game is released for the PS4, it would be SEVEN YEARS IN THE MAKING. Although it may seem like a ridiculous amount of time, I'm incredibly excited and hyped to see what the game will bring to the table. When it was revealed in 2009, the trailer had absolutely stunning visuals. With the power that the PS4 can bring to the table, this game could honestly become the most beautiful video game to hit the market. Since it's the same developers as ICO and Shadow of the Colossus, you know it's going to be good.

#1 - Pokemon Omega Ruby/ Alpha Sapphire

     Okay, so I know I've already mentioned Pokemon once before in this post, but I've got to give my number one spot to these two remakes. Pokemon Ruby was my very first Pokemon game I played and because of that, it holds a very special place in my heart. I absolutely cannot wait to be running around Hoenn once again with those beautiful trumpets playing in the background! I absolutely loved the graphical changes in X & Y and with those same graphics being pulled over to OR/AS, I'm more than ready to see the white hillsides of Sootopolis city in full 3D!

     Welp, there you go folks. My top picks for E3 2014. I'm honestly incredibly excited to see what may come up. With E3 literally just around the corner, I'm more hyped than ever! LET THE GAMES(trailers) BEGIN!


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